
Generally speaking

So my Florence + The Machine vinyl cover really did get picked for the Secret 7" show! It was supposed to be a secret, but this happened in April and apparently my cover was sold right away during the weekend, because it wasn't available for the eBay auction afterwards.

Oh, charity.

In more recent news, I attended Kapow! Comic Con last weekend and it was great. I had the chance to meet Will Dennis from DC / Vertigo for a portfolio review, and I'm still not sure how that happened because there were four companies there, and I got picked precisely by the one I like the most. Insane.

To get myself psyched up in the days leading up to the convention, I sketched some super heroes. Because I am that nerdy. This is one of my favourites.

I am currently working on other things, but those will come later.

1 comment:

  1. Ricardo tu por favor escreve-me um e-mail a contar a tua vida porque eu chego aqui e há diversas coisas a suceder e eu não sei de nada, chego a temer que a nossa amizade tenha sido esquecida :P
